Boost your application database performance.
Database performance is critical as it is the bottleneck in most applications.
ObjectDB is extremely fast and much faster than any other JPA solution.
Using a relational database management system (RDBMS) to store and retrieve Java objects requires slow conversions between graphs of Java objects and flat database table rows. Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tools can reduce some manual work but cannot eliminate the extra processing time, and even add their own overhead.
ObjectDB supports direct storage of graphs of objects and eliminates the ORM layer. The result is better performance and faster applications, especially when the object data model is complex.
Reduce development time. Improve productivity.
ObjectDB is the most productive software for developing Java database applications using the Java Persistence API (JPA). It is the first persistence solution that combined a powerful database with JPA support in one product, sparing the need to integrate an external JPA ORM with a database.
ObjectDB is an extremely easy to use pure Java Object Database, which supports JPA with no mapping. See for yourself how easy it is. Download ObjectDB and follow the Getting Stated Tutorial, and in minutes you will be able to run your first Java and JPA database driven application in Eclipse or NetBeans.
Forget relational databases, JDBC, drivers, tables, records, ORM tools and mapping - start writing more effective database code using Java classes and objects!
Try an ObjectDB / JPA tutorial now...
Protect your investment. Use a standard Java API.
ObjectDB became the first Object Oriented Database with built in support for the two standard Java database APIs:
Using a standard Java API (JPA / JDO) provides many benefits, including:
- Avoiding vendor lock in - switching between implementations is easy.
- Technology flexibility - same API for Relational and Object Databases.
- Better community support (tools, IDEs, books, forums, tutorials, articles).
- Availability of experienced developers and easier learning curve.
- More complete solution that will more likely support all future needs.
Protect your investment ♦ Avoid vendor proprietary API ♦ Use a standard Java API