jdoNewInstance(sm, oid) - JDO PersistenceCapable's method

PersistenceCapable jdoNewInstance(
  StateManager sm,
  Object oid

Return a new instance of this class, with the jdoStateManager set to the parameter, key fields initialized to the values in the oid, and jdoFlags set to LOAD_REQUIRED.

This method is used as a performance optimization as an alternative to using reflection to construct a new instance of a class that uses application identity. It is used by the JDOImplHelper class method newInstance.

sm - the StateManager that will own the new instance.
oid - an instance of the object id class (application identity).
a new instance of this class.
JDO 1.0
See Also:
JDOImplHelper.newInstance(Class pcClass, StateManager sm)