JPA Method
in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery

CriteriaQuery<T> multiselect(
  Selection<?>... selections

Specify the selection items that are to be returned in the query result. Replaces the previously specified selection(s), if any. The type of the result of the query execution depends on the specification of the type of the criteria query object created as well as the arguments to the multiselect method.

An argument to the multiselect method must not be a tuple- or array-valued compound selection item.

The semantics of this method are as follows:

  • If the type of the criteria query is CriteriaQuery<Tuple> (i.e., a criteria query object created by either the createTupleQuery method or by passing a Tuple class argument to the createQuery method), a Tuple object corresponding to the arguments of the multiselect method, in the specified order, will be instantiated and returned for each row that results from the query execution.
  • If the type of the criteria query is CriteriaQuery<X> for some user-defined class X (i.e., a criteria query object created by passing a X class argument to the createQuery method), the arguments to the multiselect method will be passed to the X constructor and an instance of type X will be returned for each row.
  • If the type of the criteria query is CriteriaQuery<X[]> for some class X, an instance of type X[] will be returned for each row. The elements of the array will correspond to the arguments of the multiselect method, in the specified order.
  • If the type of the criteria query is CriteriaQuery<Object> or if the criteria query was created without specifying a type, and only a single argument is passed to the multiselect method, an instance of type Object will be returned for each row.
  • If the type of the criteria query is CriteriaQuery<Object> or if the criteria query was created without specifying a type, and more than one argument is passed to the multiselect method, an instance of type Object[] will be instantiated and returned for each row. The elements of the array will correspond to the arguments to the multiselect method, in the specified order.
selections - selection items corresponding to the results to be returned by the query
the modified query
IllegalArgumentException - if a selection item is not valid or if more than one selection item has the same assigned alias
JPA 2.0