ObjectDB 1.0 Manual
Welcome to the ObjectDB for Java/JDO Developer's Guide. Here you can learn how to develop database applications using ObjectDB and JDO (Java Data Objects), the revolutionary database programming technology by Sun Microsystems. The main purpose of this guide is to familiarise you with ObjectDB and JDO in a very short time.
Guide Structure
The first two chapters introduce ObjectDB:
Chapter 1 - About ObjectDB
Describes ObjectDB's main features and editions.
Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour
Demonstrates basic database programming using ObjectDB.
Subsequent chapters contain detailed instructions on programming with ObjectDB and JDO:
Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes
Explains what a persistence capable class is and which types are supported by JDO.
Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata
Shows how to define JDO metadata for persistence capable classes.
Chapter 5 - JDO Connections
Shows how to use database connections and transactions in JDO.
Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects
Shows how to store, retrieve, update and delete database objects.
Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries
Describes JDOQL, the JDO Query Language.
The last two chapters are dedicated to ObjectDB's tools:
Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server
Explains how to manage an ObjectDB database server.
Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer
Explains how to view and manipulate database files in the database explorer.
Prerequisite Knowledge
A prior knowledge of database programming (SQL, JDBC or JDO) is not required in order to follow this guide, but a strong background and understanding of the Java language is essential.
Further Reading and Resources
This guide focuses mainly on practical issues in order to make the reader proficient in a short time. After reading this guide you may want to extend your knowledge of JDO by reading the JDO specification or a book on JDO.
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