Hello guys, I have a question about creating small new web application, I am almost done with researching and studying and I have covered all the important concepts e.g.
# Starting from web technologies: HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery.
# Moving to Java Technologies: Core Java, Servlet, Managed Beans, JSF, JSP, EJB, JMS, JPA, JDBC,Security, Ajax using Primefaces.
# Backend technologies: MYSQL, SQLite, JavaDB, BIRT/ Jasper reporting.
Tools: Eclipse, Netbeanse, SVN, Git repositories, SQLyog, Glassfish.
- Now I am starting the project, and I designed the database model, and I am ready but I am not sure if there is anything I am missing Do I really need maven for this project, Do I really need Hibernate for this project, Do I really need Spring MVC for this project.
- What is best hosting service website?
Is jelastic.com different than other hosting companies because they are cloud hosting, Pay as You Go (PAYG) .
- Which IDE and Application Server do you prefer to go with for me as a beginner?
* Note: project aim is to provide User accounts authentications, CRUD operations, generating reports, sending emails and alerts.
I am missing something please tell me before I start?
Thanks so much for reading