I am trying to migrate my Spring project from Hibernate to ObjectDB. On ObjectDB page, it is written that ObjectDB is 100% compatible with JPA. However, I have problem with this JPQL query:
SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.present = false AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT c FROM Computer c WHERE c.employeeEntity = e) ORDER BY e.name
with Hibernate, there was no problem with this query, but ObjectDB throws exception:
com.objectdb.o.UserException: Unexpected query token 'EXISTS'
Second problem is with Criteria Language. This code:
In<Employee> inExpression = cb.in(root.get(Computer_.employeeEntity)); for (Long id : emplIds) { Employee e = new Employee(id); inExpression = inExpression.value(e); } list.add(inExpression);
was working with Hibernate, with ObjectDB it is throwing:
com.objectdb.o.UserException: Unexpected query token ':l2'
Does anybody have any idea how to solve these problems?