Hello, that's a strange error for me ...
I have a detached object in my Java code and i just wanted to merge it ...
Unfortunatly, i get this error :
Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to remove a detached entity object (error 613)
at com.objectdb.jpa.EMImpl.commit(EMImpl.java:290)
We see in this stack trace that is a commit operation, all right ... So why does it try to remove the object ... ?
In my opinion, one child ( a list ) with OneToMany and orphanRemoval has been modified ( one element removed ).
And objectdb maybe tries to remove the object ...
But i was not able to reproduce the bug outside my production environment :(
So i have 1 simple question :
* How can i see the low level batch SQL operations before flushing the merge. So i could give you more informations about this issue.