We're having our system with ObjectDB 2.4.5 in production since this year April and it works just fine.
However, now we've discovered that suddenly partial Objects in some DBs in production do have a UUID String as their id instead of Long which is of course causing a lot of troubles. Note that this even occurrs on the same "Table" -- some saved Entitities of same type do still have a Long ID, others a String UUID.
Our Base-Entity everything inherits from is declared as usual with Long:
@Id @GeneratedId private Long myId;
This has always been working, however, suddenly partial Objects in the DB are having the field "myId" as type "String" and with an UUID!?? How could that have happened and what are we supposed to do now to fix this as when quering those entities they always have a myId of zero!?
We are NOT manipulating the id manually in any way so I don't have a clue how that was caused