Problems using Maven Repo


I've worked around this by downloading "manually" but I don't seem to be able to resolve objectdb Maven dependency automatically - have the relevant repository entry etc. in my POM, Maven doesn't seem to be able to find anything. Wondering if there are some operational problems or if I should return to scratching my head.

Many thanks


We are unaware of any issue with the Maven repository.

Have you tried one of our Maven based tutorials (e.g. this tutorial)?

ObjectDB Support

I found this suspect if i use the maven to download objectdb.



I got follow Java Warning that tells me that Entity Class will be ignored.

../WEB-INF/lib/objectdb-2.6.2.jar' contains offending class: javax.persistence.Entity. It will be ignored.


If i download the jar File from this site and add the Dependency as an SystemPath all works are fine.

Whats the problem?



I use also follow Dependencies too.








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ObjectDB Support
