I am using JDO and calling PMimpl.makeTransient(object) on an object which has a class of type @EmbeddedOnly in ObjectDB version 2.5.5.b05.
I get then the following error:
com.objectdb.o._JdoUserException: Type quant.phdsc_new.placement_builder.data.Project is not defined as an entity (@Entity is missing) at com.objectdb.o.JDE.g(JDE.java:126) at com.objectdb.o.ERR.f(ERR.java:56) at com.objectdb.o.JDE.f(JDE.java:52) at com.objectdb.o.OBC.onObjectDBError(OBC.java:1503) at com.objectdb.jdo.PMImpl.makeTransient(PMImpl.java:1556) at com.objectdb.jdo.PMImpl.makeTransient(PMImpl.java:1597)
The error message is strange as it suggests using @Entity which is a JPA annotation while I am using JDO and PMImpl.
Should I not call the makeTransient() on an @EmbeddedOnly object at all ? Is it working only on @PersistenceCapable objects ?