I am having trouble setting up the birt points.odb sample with a client/server connection.
I can connect to points.odb with the explorer. I added a "Data Source" that works fine with local file.
The connection using the server url fails the ping test. I get (Failed to connect to server localhost:6136)
Nothing made it to the log. The following is my setup:
Dev Versions:
MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench - 12.0.0.me201311281640
-Eclipse platform - 4.3.1.v20130911
-Birt - 4.3.1.me201311281640
ObjectDB Birt Plugin -
ObjectDB Server 2.5.6_04
connection URL: objectdb://localhost:6136/points.odb;user=admin;password=admin
using objectdb-jee.jar - (manifest.mf) Bundle-Version: 2.5.6.b04
<server> <connection port="6136" max="100" /> <data path="D:\***\***\data\dev2\" /> </server>
-points.odb copied to D:\***\***\data\dev2\
Hopefully I'm just missing something obvious.