a second mapping-file is ignored in persistence.xml by enhancer


Hello Support-Team,

we have a problem with the enhancer.

In the persistence.xml are two mapping-files:


We start the enhancer and the entities of orm.xml will be enhanced by following output:

     [java] [ObjectDB 2.6.0_02 Enhancer]
     [java] 3 persistable types have been enhanced:
     [java]     com.btc.ep.base.bl.impl.ModelElementImpl
     [java]     com.btc.ep.base.bl.impl.NamedElementImpl
     [java]     com.btc.ep.base.bl.impl.ProfileImpl


And the entities of ormreq.xml will be enhanced by following output, because the enhancer is apparently ignored the ormreq.xml:

     [java] [ObjectDB 2.6.0_02 Enhancer]
     [java] 11 NON persistable types have been enhanced:
     [java]     com.btc.ep.requirement.bl.impl.RequirementImpl
     [java]     com.btc.ep.requirement.bl.impl.RequirementImpl10
     [java]     com.btc.ep.requirement.bl.impl.RequirementImpl11
     [java]     com.btc.ep.requirement.bl.impl.RequirementImpl2
     [java]     com.btc.ep.requirement.bl.impl.RequirementImpl3
     [java]     com.btc.ep.requirement.bl.impl.RequirementImpl4
     [java]     com.btc.ep.requirement.bl.impl.RequirementImpl5
     [java]     com.btc.ep.requirement.bl.impl.RequirementImpl6
     [java]     com.btc.ep.requirement.bl.impl.RequirementImpl7
     [java]     com.btc.ep.requirement.bl.impl.RequirementImpl8
     [java]     com.btc.ep.requirement.bl.impl.RequirementImpl9

Why the second mapping-file is ignored?


The unit test has following result, because not all entities were enhanced (the activation code would be removed from objectdb.conf after enhancement):

com.objectdb.o.UserException: Too many persistable types (>10) - exceeds evaluation limit
at com.objectdb.o.MSG.d(MSG.java:62)
at com.objectdb.o.MST.UC(MST.java:1117)
at com.objectdb.o.WRA.UC(WRA.java:213)
at com.objectdb.o.TYS.x(TYS.java:768)
at com.objectdb.o.TYS.v(TYS.java:592)
at com.objectdb.o.TYM.ae(TYM.java:531)
at com.objectdb.o.TYM.ac(TYM.java:467)
at com.objectdb.o.TYM.ao(TYM.java:788)
at com.objectdb.o.TYM.at(TYM.java:873)
at com.objectdb.o.OBC.bm(OBC.java:1470)
at com.objectdb.jpa.EMImpl.merge(EMImpl.java:520)

Best regards, BTC-ES


Please check how you invoke the Enhancer.

Do you use the -pu option to specify a persistence unit in which the second orm file is defined?
If you do, please describe how exactly you invoke the Enhancer.

ObjectDB Support

Thank you very much.

That works fine.


Best regards, BTC-ES
