Incremental online backup



Are there plans for ObjectDB to handle incremental online backups, where a backup does not create a whole new copy of the DB, but "updates" an existing backup? This behavior would make backups much faster as only a portion of the data would need to be copied. Such a feature would also allow to perform backups more often, several times a day, in order to always have a backup that's closer to the current state of the DB.

Thank you


Yes, we plan to implement incremental backup later this year.

ObjectDB Support

Great news.

Does this plan also include the possibility to choose a restoration point?

For example, I have a database that is backed up incrementally twice a day, and one day we realize that the database has been corrupted (by which i mean the data is wrong, not the underlying files) and we need to retrieve a backup. However the last backup is corrupted as well, so we need to go back to the previous one.

The way this would work is the incremental backup would not just update and replace the previous backup, but keep the diff from the previous backup, allowing us to go back to a previous backup time and not necessarily be stuck with the last one.


> The way this would work is the incremental backup would not just update and replace the previous backup, but keep the diff from the previous backup, allowing us to go back to a previous backup time and not necessarily be stuck with the last one.

Yes, this is the expected behaviour. You may also find the Transaction Replayer useful in this scenario.

ObjectDB Support

Isn't the Transaction Replayer more like the opposite of this?

The Transaction Replayer allows to replay transactions on a backup DB to replay a test scenario or bring back a backup to a current state, whereas here I am talking about basically reverting changes by choosing among a few restoration points from a backup.


The Replayer can also be run up to a specified transaction, e.g.:

> java -cp objectdb.jar com.objectdb.Replayer my.odb 1000

When a transaction ID is specified as a second argument the Replayer applies recorded operations only until that specific transaction is reached.

ObjectDB Support
