composite index not used in query


we defined a composite index for class Action:


and an index for the OneToMany

public List<ObjectNode> objectsInCharge = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();

on running a query like

select count(a) from Action a JOIN a.objectsInCharge a1
WHERE ((a1.classIdentifier = '(OP)' and (a1.childNodes.classIdentifier = '(TC)' and
        a1.childNodes.objectNameUpper = 'POSTPROCESSING')) and
        (a.state = 3 and a.subType = 3 and a.type = 0 and a.startDate > ?1))

the composite index is not used, query plan: 

Step 1: Process Action (a) instances

[Step 1a]
Scan index com.agile.hummingbird.Action[startDate]
locating all the Action (a) instances.

[Step 1b]
Filter the results of step 1a
retaining only results that satisfy:

[Step 1c]
Retrieve fields in Action (a) instances.

[Step 1d]
Filter the results of step 1c
retaining only results that satisfy:

[Step 1e]
Filter the results of step 1d
retaining only results that satisfy:

[Step 1f]
Filter the results of step 1e
retaining only results that satisfy:

Step 2: Process ObjectNode (a1) instances
  (for every result of step 1)

[Step 2a]
Iterate over all the instances (a1) in a.objectsInCharge.

[Step 2b]
Retrieve fields in ObjectNode (a1) instances.

[Step 2c]
Filter the results of step 2b
retaining only results that satisfy:

Step 3: Process ObjectNode (v$1) instances
  (for every result tuple of the steps above)

[Step 3a]
Iterate over all the instances (v$1) in a1.childNodes.

[Step 3b]
Retrieve fields in ObjectNode (v$1) instances.

[Step 3c]
Filter the results of step 3b
retaining only results that satisfy:

[Step 3d]
Filter the results of step 3c
retaining only results that satisfy:

Step 4: Group results

Evaluate aggregate expressions:

Step 5: Apply selection

Apply selection and prepare final results.

Is there something wrong in the definition (remark: the order of the arguments in the query does not make any difference) ?


Please try to reduce the problem to the possible minimum, removing all unnecessary components.

For example, try this query:

SELECT count(a) FROM Action a
WHERE a.state = 3 AND a.subType = 3 AND a.type = 0 AND a.startDate > ?1

If the composite index was added to an existing database and you are using a version of ObjectDB before 2.6.6, you have to rebuild the database with the Doctor in order to make the new index active.

ObjectDB Support

stepping up with the complexity, the results are (what confuses me is that the more elements I add, the less index seems to be used):

select a from Action a
where (a.state = 1 and a.type = 0 and a.subType = 1)
Query Plan Description

[Step 1]
Scan index com.agile.hummingbird.Action[state, subType, type]
locating Action (a) instances that satisfy:

[Step 2]
Apply selection and prepare final results.


select a from Action a
where (a.startDate >= ?1 and a.state = 1 and a.type = 0 and a.subType = 1)
Query Plan Description

[Step 1]
Scan index com.agile.hummingbird.Action[startDate, state, subType, type]
locating all the Action (a) instances.

[Step 2]
Filter the results of step 1
retaining only results that satisfy:

[Step 3]
Filter the results of step 2
retaining only results that satisfy:

[Step 4]
Filter the results of step 3
retaining only results that satisfy:

[Step 5]
Filter the results of step 4
retaining only results that satisfy:

[Step 6]
Apply selection and prepare final results.


select a from Action a
where (a.startDate > ?1 and a.state = 1 and a.type = 0 and a.subType = 1) and
          (a.objectsInCharge.objectNameUpper like '%CAM%')


Query Plan Description

Step 1: Process Action (a) instances

[Step 1a]
Scan index com.agile.hummingbird.Action[state, subType, type]
locating all the Action (a) instances.

[Step 1b]
Filter the results of step 1a
retaining only results that satisfy:

[Step 1c]
Filter the results of step 1b
retaining only results that satisfy:

[Step 1d]
Filter the results of step 1c
retaining only results that satisfy:

[Step 1e]
Retrieve fields in Action (a) instances.

[Step 1f]
Filter the results of step 1e
retaining only results that satisfy:

Step 2: Process ObjectNode (v$1) instances
  (for every result of step 1)

[Step 2a]
Iterate over all the instances (v$1) in a.objectsInCharge.

[Step 2b]
Retrieve fields in ObjectNode (v$1) instances.

[Step 2c]
Filter the results of step 2b
retaining only results that satisfy:

Step 3: Apply selection

Apply selection and prepare final results.





In all the new examples a composite index is used.

Can you change the order of the fields in the composite index:

@Index(name="ssst",members={"state","subType","type", "startDate"})

or any other order in which startDate is the last?

In the expression:

    a.state = 3 AND a.subType = 3 AND a.type = 0 AND a.startDate > ?1

The startDate constraint makes the composite index less useful, unless startDate is last.

ObjectDB Support

the sequence of the index members is the key, thanks
