problems with OEM license/enhancing


we did add this section to our maven pom.xml (from within Eclipse):







After creating our application jar on a workstation with the OEM license activation, we cannot start the application on another workstation. We receive a message that the evaluation limit of 1000000 objects is reached ...



The classes are probably not enhanced with the OEM Enhancer.

Please check if in the build output the classes implement the interfaces:

  • com.objectdb.spi.TrackableUserType - indicates a class is enhanced (OEM or not).
  • com.objectdb.spi.SignedType - indicates that a class is OEM enhanced.

If the classes are enhanced but not OEM enhanced, probably the OEM activation key is not available during enhancement. Check the location of the objectdb.jar file and make sure that the objectdb.conf file with the activation key is located in the correct location (same directory as objectdb.jar, except if that directory is lib, bin or build).

ObjectDB Support

as regards the correct location:

where to place the objectdb.conf in a maven environment (objectdb is referenced via a dependency and therefore located in the maven repository) ?


The same rules apply also when using Maven, i.e. by default the objectdb.conf is searched relative to the location of the objectdb.jar file (which could be in your local repository, web application, etc.)

But you can change the default by setting the objectdb.home or objectdb.conf system properties.

ObjectDB Support

I did set now the objected.home via :




what works fine
