ObjectDB version 2.2 has been released


ObjectDB 2.2 has been released and it includes important additions and fixes:

  • Added full support of JPA 2 Criteria Queries API (issue #10)
  • Added full support of JPA 2 Metamodel API (issue #9)
  • Added non optional field validation (throwing an exception on null value).
  • Improved ObjectDB Doctor to handle additional issues.
  • Improved query execution planner.
  • Improved cleanup and reusing space after index deletion.
  • Changed default configuration (enabled recovery, disabled recording).
  • Fixed a critical database corruption bug (issue #187).
  • Fixed a critical bug in schema evolution of modified ancestor classes.
  • Fixed a bug in handling indexes in a new ancestor class.
  • Fixed a query cache bug.
  • Fixed several bugs in query processing and running.

It is highly recommended to run the ObjectDB Doctor of version 2.2 in repair mode on existing database files, and to switch to the new database files that are generated by the Doctor when moving to version 2.2.

ObjectDB Support
