we are using this aggregate query to collect some data:
select p3.doubleValue,c1.classIdentifier,c1.objectName,sum(p4.doubleValue),sum(p4.doubleValue*p5.doubleValue),0,p7.doubleValue,p3.name,count(o) from ObjectNode o INNER JOIN o.properties p1 INNER JOIN o.properties p2 INNER JOIN o.properties p3 INNER JOIN o.properties p4 INNER JOIN o.properties p5 INNER JOIN o.properties p6 INNER JOIN o.properties p7 join o.linkedObjects c1 where o.classIdentifier = '(OP)' and (o.linkedObjects.classIdentifier = '(TC)' and o.linkedObjects.objectNameUpper = 'MILLING' and o.linkedObjects.type = 1 and o.linkedObjects.state = 0) and (p1.name = 'feedbackState' and p1.doubleValue != 13 and p1.state = 0) and (p2.name = 'scheduledState' and p2.doubleValue = 2 and p2.state = 0) and ((p3.name = 'scheduledEndSlot' and (p3.doubleValue > 2443 and p3.doubleValue<2452)) or (p3.name = 'scheduledSlot' and (p3.doubleValue > 2443 and p3.doubleValue<2452))) and (p6.name = 'roughPlanning' and p6.doubleValue = 0 and p6.state = 0) and (p7.name = 'slots') and (p4.name = 'multiplier') and (p5.name = 'intendedBases') group by p3.doubleValue,c1.classIdentifier,c1.objectName,p5.doubleValue,p7.doubleValue,p3.name
these are the classes that are used:
public class ObjectNode implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public String uUid;
public Integer associatedFileCurrentVersion;
public Date associatedFileLastModification;
@Index public String classIdentifier;
public Date created;
public Map<String, String> currentJournalData = new HashMap<String,String>();
public String customIcon;
@Index public String fileURL;
@Index public String foreignUuid;
@Index public String identCode;
public String internalReference;
// EUR-0004
public Boolean inSlots = true;
public Date modified;
@Index public String nodePath;
public String objectName;
@Index public String objectNameUpper;
public ObjectType objectType;
public Integer state;
public Map<String, String> systemDictionary = new HashMap<String,String>();
public Integer type;
public Double usedCustomObjectTypeVersion;
public Double usedStandardObjectTypeVersion;
public Double usedSolutionObjectTypeVersion;
public List<Action> actions = new ArrayList<Action>();
public List<ObjectNode> childNodes = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();
public List<ObjectNode> container = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();
public ObjectNode currentLocation;
public ObjectNode currentOperation;
public List<ObjectNode> isCurrentLocation = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();
// HS-685
public List<ObjectNode> isCurrentOperation = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();
public List<ObjectNode> isNextOperations = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();
public ObjectNode linkedType;
public List<ObjectNode> nextOperations = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();
public ObjectNode parentNode;
public List<ObjectNode> physicalIdentities = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();
public ObjectNode pointingTo;
// HS-2518
public List<ObjectNode> linkedObjects = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();
public List<ObjectNode> precessors = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();
public List<ObjectProperty> properties = new ArrayList<ObjectProperty>();
public List<ObjectNode> successors = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();
public List<ObjectProperty> supportingData = new ArrayList<ObjectProperty>();
public List<ObjectNode> workflow = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();
public class ObjectProperty implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@Id @GeneratedValue
public long id;
public Double doubleValue;
// HS-778
public Boolean journal;
public String jsonValue;
public String name;
public Integer source;
// HS-2078
public Integer state;
public String stringValue;
public Integer type;
public String unit;
public String valid;
No the problem is the following:
when we query objects that have no objects linked into the relationship ObjectNode.childNodes the query takes around 1 second.
when we query objects that have typically 30-50 objects linked into the relationship ObjectNode.childNodes the query takes around 16 second.
For us that seems strange as the relationship ObjectNode.childNodes is not used at all in the query:
Are there other elements that we can optimize in the query ?