Performance issues on aggregate query


we are using this aggregate query to collect some data:

select p3.doubleValue,c1.classIdentifier,c1.objectName,sum(p4.doubleValue),sum(p4.doubleValue*p5.doubleValue),0,p7.doubleValue,,count(o) from ObjectNode o INNER JOIN p1 INNER JOIN p2  INNER JOIN p3 INNER JOIN p4 INNER JOIN p5 INNER JOIN p6 INNER JOIN p7 join o.linkedObjects c1 where o.classIdentifier = '(OP)' and (o.linkedObjects.classIdentifier = '(TC)' and o.linkedObjects.objectNameUpper = 'MILLING' and o.linkedObjects.type = 1 and o.linkedObjects.state = 0) and ( = 'feedbackState' and p1.doubleValue != 13 and p1.state = 0) and ( = 'scheduledState' and p2.doubleValue = 2 and p2.state = 0) and (( = 'scheduledEndSlot' and (p3.doubleValue > 2443 and p3.doubleValue<2452)) or ( = 'scheduledSlot' and (p3.doubleValue > 2443 and p3.doubleValue<2452))) and ( = 'roughPlanning' and p6.doubleValue = 0 and p6.state = 0) and ( = 'slots') and ( = 'multiplier') and ( = 'intendedBases') group by p3.doubleValue,c1.classIdentifier,c1.objectName,p5.doubleValue,p7.doubleValue,


these are the classes that are used:

public class ObjectNode implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 

    public String uUid;

    public Integer associatedFileCurrentVersion;
    public Date associatedFileLastModification;

@Index public String classIdentifier;
public Date created;
public Map<String, String> currentJournalData = new HashMap<String,String>();
public String customIcon;

@Index public String fileURL;
@Index public String foreignUuid;

@Index public String identCode;
public String internalReference;

// EUR-0004
public Boolean inSlots = true;

public Date modified;

@Index public String nodePath;

public String objectName;
@Index public String objectNameUpper;

public ObjectType objectType;

public Integer state;
public Map<String, String> systemDictionary = new HashMap<String,String>();

public Integer type;
public Double usedCustomObjectTypeVersion;
public Double usedStandardObjectTypeVersion;
public Double usedSolutionObjectTypeVersion;

public List<Action> actions = new ArrayList<Action>();

public List<ObjectNode> childNodes = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();
public List<ObjectNode> container = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();

public ObjectNode currentLocation;

public ObjectNode currentOperation;

public List<ObjectNode> isCurrentLocation = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();

// HS-685
public List<ObjectNode> isCurrentOperation = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();
public List<ObjectNode> isNextOperations = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();

public ObjectNode linkedType;

public List<ObjectNode> nextOperations = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();

public ObjectNode parentNode;

public List<ObjectNode> physicalIdentities = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();

public ObjectNode pointingTo;

// HS-2518
public List<ObjectNode> linkedObjects = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();

public List<ObjectNode> precessors = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();

public List<ObjectProperty> properties = new ArrayList<ObjectProperty>();

public List<ObjectNode> successors = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();

public List<ObjectProperty> supportingData = new ArrayList<ObjectProperty>();

public List<ObjectNode> workflow = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();



public class ObjectProperty implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    @Id @GeneratedValue
    public long id;

public Double doubleValue;
// HS-778
public Boolean journal;
public String jsonValue;

public String name;

public Integer source;
// HS-2078
public Integer state;
public String stringValue;
public Integer type;
public String unit;
public String valid;


No the problem is the following:

when we query objects that have no objects linked into the relationship ObjectNode.childNodes the query takes around 1 second.

when we query objects that have typically 30-50 objects linked into the relationship ObjectNode.childNodes the query takes around 16 second.

For us that seems strange as the relationship ObjectNode.childNodes is not used at all in the query:

Are there other elements that we can optimize in the query ?




This is strange. It might help to check if the query plan is different with/without childNodes content (you can see query plans when running queries in the Explorer).

The SELECT clause in your post seems to be cut at the middle of a line. Sometimes when a query return entity objects, returning the results with all the eagerly reachable objects take more time than just executing the query (i.e. when every result object requires retrieval of a large tree of other objects), but this is relevant for queries that return entity objects.

As always, if you can provide a test case that demonstrates the problem it would help.

ObjectDB Support
