When I use @OrderBy and supply multiple order fields I get and error when ObjectDB Explorer expands a instance of the entity.
Example code:
@Entity @Table(name="Defects", schema = "myDB") public class Defects implements Serializable { ... ... @OneToMany(mappedBy="defect") @OrderBy("seqRel, noteSeq") Set<Notes> notes; ... ... }
The error is printed on the console where I started the Explorer
Th error that seems most informative is:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" [ObjectDB 2.2.1_02] Query: SELECT owner FROM Notes owner JOIN owner.defect inverse WHERE inverse = ?1 ORDER BY owner.seqRel, ==> noteSeq <== javax.persistence.PersistenceException Unexpected query token 'noteSeq' (error 752) (position 98) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:4652)
The error seems to be the second field "noteSeq" in the above example is referenced as if it were an entity instead of a field of an entity.
If I remove the multiple fields and only use one I do not get any errors.
Is this a bug or am I using collections and JPA annotations in an unsupported way?