Starting Explorer programmatically


Hi wondering if it's possible to start Explorer from code.


In cases where Gradle is used to manage the ObjectDb jar version, it would be useful to start the explorer from a Groovy script (or java program), to guarantee that it's using the same Gradle-managed objectdb jar version.




The Explorer is a Java program, so you can simply call its main method from your program:

    com.objectdb.Explorer.main(new String[0]);
ObjectDB Support

Thanks though not working for me.

Do I have to add the Explorer jar file to Gradle separately?

Here are the relevant parts of my Gradle file:



repositories {
  jcenter ()
  maven {
    url ''


dependencies {

  compile 'com.objectdb:objectdb:2.7.5'
  compile 'org.eclipse.persistence:javax.persistence:2.2.0'
  compile 'javax.transaction:jta:1.1'






this didn't work:

  compile 'com.objectdb:explorer:2.7.5'


is that jar at: ?


Yes, you need the Explorer JAR file and it is not available on ObjectDB Maven repository.

You can find it in the bin directory of ObjectDB zip file distribution.

ObjectDB Support

Would you please add it so that we don't have to manually sync the versions.





This requires changes to our automatic Maven repository, so it was added to plans but will not be available immediately.

ObjectDB Support
