Warmup ( preLoad all table rows into memory )


Hi , I have 3 questions for objectdb :


How can i preload all table rows into memory in objectdb ?

So i can query fast.

I have seen @Cacheable annotation.

But i need warmup table to memory when my software boots up.



Also for speed up

I am inserting a message into table.

But within 1 or 10 seconds i may query the same message key.

I can wrap with guava cachebuilder to prevent writing into disk for objectdb.

So i can query from guava cachebuilder then objectdb.

Do i need that thing or objectdb has internally that function.

Or how can i enable that function ?



> How can i preload all table rows into memory in objectdb ?

You will have to run a query that retrieves the objects.

> Do i need that thing or objectdb has internally that function.

What thing? The question is unclear.

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