Following previous questions on the subject I'd like to share a simple working example of ObjectDB and Spring Boot.
The code of the example can be found here:
The example uses the automatic query generation performed by Spring and it works very nicely with objectdb:
public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository { List findAllByBirthDateBetween(Date d1, Date d2); List findAllByGender(Person.Gender g); List findAllByBirthDateBetweenAndGender(Date d1, Date d2, Person.Gender gender); // the above are supported by spring data, see: // data/jpa/docs/current/ reference/html/#jpa.query- methods.query-creation @Query("Select p from Person p WHERE MONTH(p.birthDate) = :month") List findAllByBirthDateMonth(int month); List findAllByBirthDateYear(int year); @Query("Select p from Person p WHERE YEAR(p.birthDate) = :year") }
In order to avoid the need to configure RDBMS in and/or in pom.xml I added the following beans:
@Bean @ConfigurationProperties("app.datasource") public DataSource dataSource() { return DataSourceBuilder.create(). build(); } @Bean(name=" entityManagerFactory") public EntityManagerFactory getEntityManagerFactoryBean() { return Persistence.createEntityManage rFactory("spring-data-jpa- test.odb"); } @Bean public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager( EntityManagerFactory emf) { JpaTransactionManager txManager = new JpaTransactionManager(); txManager. setEntityManagerFactory( emf); return txManager; }