How to apply constraints in collection attributes of entity.


How to apply constraints like unique, not null ...etc in collection attribute of a entity.

Example :

@Table(name = "agent")
public class Agent implements Serializable

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private Long Id;

    private List<String> PhoneNumbers;

    public Agent()

    public Long getId()
        return Id;

    public List<String> getPhoneNumbers()
        return PhoneNumbers;

    public void setPhoneNumbers(List<String> PhoneNumbers)
        this.PhoneNumbers = PhoneNumbers;


in above example i wants to implement unique and notnull constraints on PhoneNumbers, means PhoneNumbers must not be duplicate or null How to do this?




For unique you can use JDO's Unique annotation.

For other constraints you can check objects in lifecycle events.

ObjectDB Support

no my question was If i have PhoneNumbers["1234","567","45689"] in an record then "1234" should not be added in any other recoed's PhoneNumbers list. "1243" should be unique through out the Entity's PhoneNumbers.


if a entity exist like Agent:{"PhoneNumbers":["1234","5467","980"],"Id":1}

then Agent:{"PhoneNumbers":["1234","5467","980"],"Id":2} --- wrong

       Agent:{"PhoneNumbers":["1234","5467",null],"Id":3} ---- wrong

        Agent:{"PhoneNumbers":["345","9877","4500"],"Id":4} ---- correct



You can use a unique path index.


private List<String> PhoneNumbers;
ObjectDB Support

yes working thank you.
