getting "Unexpected total page count" error when diagnosis mu db by ObjectDB doctor.


When am diagnosis my db it gave following report

Global Value Errors
[1] Unexpected total page count: 512 (expected 449).

On repair the db some of query are not working. can you please tell me what does the above error mean and how can i resolve this?



> On repair the db some of query are not working.

Have you run the Doctor in repair mode? Which queries don't work? Please provide more details.

ObjectDB Support

I have attached my entity class.

"Select agsk From AgentSkill agsk Where agsk.Agent.Id=: agid  And agsk.Skill.Campaign.Id=: campid And agsk.Skill.Queue.Channel=:chan"

for this query am getting empty result but in db data exist.

"Select agsk.Skill.Queue From AgentSkill agsk Where agsk.Agent.Id=: agid  And agsk.Skill.Campaign.Id=: campid And agsk.Skill.Queue.Channel=:chan" - this is returning data.



Can you send a sample database that can demonstrate this query issue?

ObjectDB Support

sorry Its in production not able to share db. can you please explain what the error mean and what are the possible reasons?


The error in the title of this thread indicates that some counter in the ObjectDB file is unexpected. This could be caused, for example, if the database is stopped (abnormally) during a writing action, and recovery is not applied. However, it doesn't mean necessarily that there are issues in the database, and it is unclear if this has anything to do with the reported issue of no results in a query (post #3).

Regarding the query issue. Do you have it only in a specific deployment database, i.e. does the query work properly in development databases? Have you tried to fix the deployment database using the Doctor?

ObjectDB Support
