Hello Support-Team
This is more a question then a feature request, so sorry for the topic (because it's definitly no bug)
In our serverapplication the entity-managers are wrapped around a persistence-manager. We start to make them stateless and to increase performance the persistence-managers (who capsulated the entity-managers) should be part of a pooling (reusing).
Because creating an entity-manager seams to be cheap one idea is to close the entity-manager while returning the persistence-manager. While activating a persistence-manager a new entity-manager should be created.
Another idea ist to clear the entity-manager and leave it attachted for further using. Are there any concerns against this idea? Or maybe is there an internal pooling in objectdb which makes this idea useless? Is there any upper-limit of attached but not used entity-managers wich might impact the over-all performance?
sorry for bothering you
best regards