we just switched to macbook pro with M1 chip and trying to start our project hangs in (see attachment),
// Compiled from UNM.java (version 1.5 : 49.0, super bit)
public final class com.objectdb.o.UNM extends com.objectdb.o.HTB {
// Field descriptor #40 Lcom/objectdb/o/UNM;
public static com.objectdb.o.UNM g;
// Method descriptor #42 ()V
// Stack: 3, Locals: 1
0 aload_0 [this]
1 iconst_1
2 ldc <Float 5.0> [1]
4 invokespecial com.objectdb.o.HTB(int, float) [2]
7 return
Line numbers:
[pc: 0, line: 49]
[pc: 7, line: 50]
// Method descriptor #46 (I)[Lcom/objectdb/o/HLE;
// Stack: 1, Locals: 2
protected com.objectdb.o.HLE[] d(int arg0);
0 iload_1 [arg0]
1 anewarray com.objectdb.o.UNM$f [3]
4 areturn
Line numbers:
[pc: 0, line: 61]
// Method descriptor #48 (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/objectdb/o/UNI;
// Stack: 5, Locals: 4
public com.objectdb.o.UNI q(java.lang.ClassLoader arg0, java.lang.String arg1);
0 aload_0 [this]
1 aload_1 [arg0]
2 invokevirtual com.objectdb.o.UNM.r(java.lang.ClassLoader) : com.objectdb.o.UNM$f [4]
5 aload_2 [arg1]
6 invokevirtual com.objectdb.o.UNM$f._a(java.lang.String) : com.objectdb.o.UNI [5]
9 astore_3
10 aload_3
11 ifnonnull 62
14 getstatic com.objectdb.o.MSS.cx : com.objectdb.o.MSG [6]
17 iconst_1
18 anewarray java.lang.String [7]
21 dup
22 iconst_0
23 aload_2 [arg1]
24 aastore
25 invokevirtual com.objectdb.o.MSG.a(java.lang.String[]) : com.objectdb.o.UserException [8]
28 new java.lang.StringBuilder [9]
31 dup
32 invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder() [10]
35 ldc <String " (by "> [11]
37 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(java.lang.String) : java.lang.StringBuilder [12]
40 aload_1 [arg0]
41 invokevirtual java.lang.Object.getClass() : java.lang.Class [13]
44 invokevirtual java.lang.Class.getName() : java.lang.String [14]
47 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(java.lang.String) : java.lang.StringBuilder [12]
50 bipush 41
52 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(char) : java.lang.StringBuilder [15]
55 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [16]
58 invokevirtual com.objectdb.o.UserException.a(java.lang.String) : com.objectdb.o.UserException [17]
61 athrow
62 aload_3
63 areturn
Line numbers:
[pc: 0, line: 77]
[pc: 10, line: 78]
[pc: 14, line: 79]
[pc: 41, line: 80]
[pc: 62, line: 81]
// Method descriptor #50 (Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Lcom/objectdb/o/UNM$f;
// Stack: 3, Locals: 6
com.objectdb.o.UNM.f r(java.lang.ClassLoader arg0);
0 aload_0 [this]
1 dup
2 astore_2
3 monitorenter
4 aload_1 [arg0]
5 invokevirtual java.lang.Object.hashCode() : int [18]
8 ldc <Integer 2147483647> [19]
10 iand
11 aload_0 [this]
12 getfield com.objectdb.o.UNM.d : com.objectdb.o.HLE[] [20]
15 arraylength
16 irem
17 istore_3
18 aload_0 [this]
19 getfield com.objectdb.o.UNM.d : com.objectdb.o.HLE[] [20]
22 iload_3
23 aaload
24 checkcast com.objectdb.o.UNM$f [3]
27 astore 4
29 aload 4
31 ifnull 61
34 aload 4
36 getfield com.objectdb.o.UNM$f._a : java.lang.ref.WeakReference [21]
39 invokevirtual java.lang.ref.WeakReference.get() : java.lang.Object [22]
42 aload_1 [arg0]
43 if_acmpne 51
46 aload 4
48 aload_2
49 monitorexit
50 areturn
51 aload 4
53 getfield com.objectdb.o.UNM$f._c : com.objectdb.o.UNM.f [23]
56 astore 4
58 goto 29
61 new com.objectdb.o.UNM$f [3]
64 dup
65 aload_1 [arg0]
66 invokespecial com.objectdb.o.UNM$f(java.lang.ClassLoader) [24]
69 astore 4
71 aload_0 [this]
72 aload 4
74 iconst_0
75 invokespecial com.objectdb.o.HTB.a(com.objectdb.o.HLE, boolean) : com.objectdb.o.HLE [25]
78 pop
79 aload 4
81 aload_2
82 monitorexit
83 areturn
84 astore 5
86 aload_2
87 monitorexit
88 aload 5
90 athrow
Exception Table:
[pc: 4, pc: 50] -> 84 when : any
[pc: 51, pc: 83] -> 84 when : any
[pc: 84, pc: 88] -> 84 when : any
Line numbers:
[pc: 0, line: 92]
[pc: 4, line: 95]
[pc: 18, line: 98]
[pc: 29, line: 99]
[pc: 34, line: 101]
[pc: 46, line: 102]
[pc: 51, line: 103]
[pc: 61, line: 107]
[pc: 71, line: 108]
[pc: 79, line: 109]
[pc: 84, line: 110]
// Method descriptor #52 (Ljava/lang/String;)Z
// Stack: 2, Locals: 3
public static boolean s(java.lang.String arg0);
0 aload_0 [arg0]
1 ldc <String "objectdb:"> [26]
3 invokevirtual java.lang.String.startsWith(java.lang.String) : boolean [27]
6 ifeq 11
9 iconst_1
10 ireturn
11 aload_0 [arg0]
12 bipush 59
14 invokevirtual java.lang.String.indexOf(int) : int [28]
17 istore_1
18 iload_1
19 ifge 26
22 aload_0 [arg0]
23 goto 31
26 aload_0 [arg0]
27 iload_1
28 invokestatic com.objectdb.o.STH.m(java.lang.String, int) : java.lang.String [29]
31 astore_2
32 aload_2
33 ldc <String ".objectdb"> [30]
35 invokevirtual java.lang.String.endsWith(java.lang.String) : boolean [31]
38 ifne 50
41 aload_2
42 ldc <String ".odb"> [32]
44 invokevirtual java.lang.String.endsWith(java.lang.String) : boolean [31]
47 ifeq 54
50 iconst_1
51 goto 55
54 iconst_0
55 ireturn
Line numbers:
[pc: 0, line: 125]
[pc: 9, line: 126]
[pc: 11, line: 127]
[pc: 18, line: 128]
[pc: 28, line: 129]
[pc: 32, line: 130]
// Method descriptor #42 ()V
// Stack: 2, Locals: 0
static {};
0 new com.objectdb.o.UNM [33]
3 dup
4 invokespecial com.objectdb.o.UNM() [34]
7 putstatic com.objectdb.o.UNM.g : com.objectdb.o.UNM [35]
10 return
Line numbers:
[pc: 0, line: 42]
Inner classes:
[inner class info: #3 com/objectdb/o/UNM$f, outer class info: #33 com/objectdb/o/UNM
inner name: #37 f, accessflags: 24 static final]
a stack overflow occurs:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
at java.lang.StringCoding$StringDecoder.decode(StringCoding.java:153)
at java.lang.StringCoding.decode(StringCoding.java:193)
at java.lang.String.<init>(String.java:426)
at java.lang.String.<init>(String.java:491)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open0(Native Method)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open(FileInputStream.java:195)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:138)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:93)
at com.objectdb.o.STH.A(STH.java:717)
at com.objectdb.o.CFG.g(CFG.java:353)
at com.objectdb.o.CFG.f(CFG.java:299)
at com.objectdb.o.STH.A(STH.java:725)