In a software engineering course (UPV/EHU University, Spain), my students have deployed their proyects in a Continuos Integration Enviroment using a created(licensed)objectdb as a Database (maven projects). The projects run and test fine in local. The projects have more that 10 classes and you provided keys previously.
The problem is on the cloud. The project are located in github and we have defined a "Github Actions" rules to execute the "test" (JUnit) and do some more stuffs every new upgrade (sonarcloud, jira. updates.), . The problem is that when the project is run(testing) on the cloud (Github), it fails because it has no credentials (objectdb.jar) for this machine. Their proyects refer to its licensed objectdb.jar . The github machines are created ad-hoc on the fly for each upgrade.
Any idea how we can resolve it? Thanks in advance for your help.