We are trying convert our Java app into GraalVM native image. We are able to convert if we use simple persistable Java data types.
But if our entity contains a collection that is stored as an instance of java.util.ArrayList, we are getting UserException that states "Failed to generate dynamic type objectdb.java.util.ArrayList...". From Objectdb developer's guide, this kind of persistable proxy classes may affect the app behaviour.
I have been trying to understand root cause but I could not find anything so far. After native build operation, I am getting exception at defineClass call in d method ACL class which is triggerd by i method of STL class. I think the byte array for the extended ArrayList class could not be properly created.
I have not tried newer versions yet but I think the result shall be the same as I stated above.
My first question is about disabling proxy behaviour and just use java.util.ArrayList instead of objectdb.java.util.ArrayList. Is it possible to do that.
The second one is about using another persistaable class which cannot trigger to use proxy usage.
Thanks a lot in advance
Best Regards