Academic license limitations?


Dear Customer Support, Thank you for your prompt response to my request for renewal of my academic license.... I

Question: I am wondering if the academic license is limited to 10 entities by default? I am get a 10 entity limit exception as I persist the classes --Is that due to license issue or something else could be wrong? I have a large entity set that I am persisting and far exceeds the 10 classes limit. Do I need to buy a full license or is there a way I can continue to fine-tune my pilot for the time being and worry about a full license later. Let me know.

Best Regards, Kal


The 10 entities limit is only relevant when you do not have a licence at all. This is most probably an issue with the activation of your licence. The most common problem is putting the activation code in the wrong configuration file, i.e. letting ObjectDB use a configuration file other than the one that includes the activation code.

ObjectDB Support

Thank you so much. I removed an accidental extra copy of the conf file and things worked just fine. 

Best Regards, Kal
