Disable Evaluation possibility


Hello, we are now using quite old version, so I am sorry, if something changed in the meanwhile we have not yet had time to test newer version.

Is it possible somehow to disable Evaluation completely, for example via some argument for ObjectDB server, or you could create separate jar without Evaluation.

We can sometimes run into a problem, that some network interface change, or even weirder behavior, that The Too many persistable types exception happens after restart of server, even though that after restart of ODB Server it works correctly again.

We would like to achieve, that ObjectDB would not start at all, when no valid activation key is present, throw some exception, so we could stop the Entire service, or try to restart it.


You can check whether ObjectDB is activated or not using the following query:

  boolean isActivated =
    em.createQuery("objectdb activation", boolean.class).getSingleResult();

Then you can avoid using ObjectDB and generate an error if the query returns false.

ObjectDB Support

Did something about this changed recently?
In 2.9.0_02 it is returning false even when I added new activation key


No known changes here.

ObjectDB Support
