Hi team
i might ask for the best practice to remove some members (i.e. collections) in existing databases. There are several aproaches and I'm not shure wich on is best.
1. Just make the list empty and let it remain in database
2. Remove the list and
2.a update every object that contains this (now removed) list
2.b compute a database defragmentation with
String[] args = {old_db_file, new_db_file}; com.objectdb.Doctor.main(args);
2.a is very expensive which means it takes a lot of time if you have a lot of objects in your db
2.b when testing it works fine for me in a very suitable amount of time. I checked in explorer and the unused members are gone and it seems that the database worked fine as before
but I was not shure wether 2.b is really safe. If 2.b is an acceptable aproach i have a next question:
Is reendexing done automaticly, especially if you have new indexes or do I have to rely on
<index-update enabled="true" priority="30" />
best regards