Gradle-Kotlin Code Contributions


It’s taking me an embarrassing amount of time and effort to create the JPA (Point) Tutorial with Gradle and Kotlin (build.gradle.kts specifically) as a new Gradle-Kotlin user.

(The Tutorial is straight forward using the native IntelliJ build system.)

First, I’d be tremendously grateful if someone has a Tutorial build.gradle.kts file and would post a copy.

Second, I thought it might be valuable to have a thread where people could post and find Gradle-Kotlin code potentially useful to ObjectDB projects.

The following Tutorial Gradle-Kotlin looks okay to me so far:


plugins {

group = "tutorial"
version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"

repositories {

dependencies {


tasks.jar {
    manifest {
        attributes["Main-Class"] = "tutorial.Main"

tasks.test {



Currently we support only Java and Maven so if you prepare and publish a complete Kotlin version of the tutorial and/or full instructions on how to use ObjectDB with Gradle, it may be useful to other users.

ObjectDB Support

The script below seems to be the minimal build.gradle.kts able to produce the executable JPA (Point) Tutorial.

However, it is incomplete in that it lacks a task to enhance the compiled classes. Deprecated Gradle features incompatible with Gradle 9.0 must also be corrected. The other build tasks will have to be added as well.

I intend to invest the time to learn these tools and I’ll post what I think I’ve learnt for scrutiny.

Please post anything you think might be useful to me or anyone else.

plugins {
repositories {
    // Custom Maven repository
    maven {
        url = uri("")
dependencies {

This is the minimum build file (build.gradle.kts) you will need to create a competent (enhanced) ObjectDB JPA (Point) Tutorial with Gradle-Kotlin. IntelliJ Idea (free Community Edition) is the compelling IDE choice when working with Gradle-Kotlin. - Ron

plugins {
repositories {
    // Custom Maven repository
    maven {
        url = uri("")
dependencies {
tasks.register<JavaExec>("enhance") {
    group = "customTasks"
    mainClass = "com.objectdb.Enhancer"
    classpath = sourceSets["main"].runtimeClasspath
    args = listOf(
tasks.named("compileJava") { finalizedBy("enhance") }

