Join query problem with new statetment



I'm trying to implement some reporting logic in my application and got nasty exception when using query with join.

The query code is:

TypedQuery<InspirationsPerSupplierResult> inspirationQuery = em.createQuery(
    "select new InspirationsPerSupplierResult(,,, from Inspiration insp join insp.products p where (p.supplier = ?1)",
inspirationQuery.setParameter(1, sup);

Nothing special here. InspirationsPerSupplierResult is defined like this:

public class InspirationsPerSupplierResult implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private long inspID;
    private String inspName;
    private long productID;
    private String productName;

    public InspirationsPerSupplierResult(
            long inspId, String inspName, long productId, String productName) {
        this.inspID = inspId;
        this.inspName = inspName;
        this.productID = productId;
        this.productName = productName;

getters and setters below constructor. Inspiration entity (it's quite big, so let me skip some fields:

public class Inspiration extends BaseEntity implements Serializable, Convertable {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private long id;
    private String name;
    @ManyToMany(targetEntity = Product.class, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private List<Product> products;

Product entity (the same as inspiration, it's quite big, so only important parts):

public class Product extends BaseEntity implements Serializable, Convertable {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)

    private long id;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String name = "";

After executing above statement, there is exception:

2011-07-05 06:40:34.781 ["http-bio-8080"-exec-3] DEBUG p.h.dao.impl.InspirationDAOImpl - getPerSupplier. supplier id: 52
2011-07-05 06:40:34.847 ["http-bio-8080"-exec-3] DEBUG o.s.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager - Should roll back transaction but cannot - no transaction available
2011-07-05 06:40:34.847 ["http-bio-8080"-exec-3] DEBUG o.s.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager - Should roll back transaction but cannot - no transaction available
2011-07-05 06:40:34.872 ["http-bio-8080"-exec-3] ERROR Click - handleException:
com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null
at com.objectdb.o.InternalException.f( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.REG.P( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.REG.M( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.REG.N( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.REG.K( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.REG.f( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.VOB.j( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.TAI.N( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.TAI.j( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.RTT.F( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.RTT.E( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.RST.B( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.RTT.l( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.RST.l( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.RTT.C( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.RST.r( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.PGT.q( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.RST.A( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.RTT.l( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.RST.l( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.RTT.C( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.RST.r( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.PGT.q( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.RST.A( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.RTT.l( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.RST.l( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.TSK.i( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.TSK.f( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.MST.UQ( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.PLN.UQ( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.TAI.M( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.TAI.Ut( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.MQI.Ut( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.PRG.ab( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.QRM.US( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.MST.US( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.WRA.US( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.WSM.US( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.STC.r( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.SHN.ah( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at com.objectdb.o.SHN.J( ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at ~[objectdb.jar:na]
at ~[na:1.6.0_26]

Am I missing something here? Or is it some kind of bug?





According to the stack trace the exception might not be related to using NEW.

There is an unexpected state during query execution. This might be caused by a schema change that is not fully supported. For example - changing an embeddable class to entity class, which results in having a class with mixed objects in the database - the old embeddable objects and the new entity objects.

For more precise diagnosis - please post a sample case that reproduces the exception (you may attach the database and the code to a support ticket if you cannot post it publicly).

ObjectDB Support

Both entities Inspiration and Product were from the beginning tagged as @Entity and I don't think it was ever changed. I've changed this query to:

TypedQuery<InspirationsPerSupplierResult> inspirationQuery = em.createQuery(
          "select new InspirationsPerSupplierResult(insp, p) from Inspiration insp join insp.products p where (p.supplier = ?1)",

so both entities Inspiration and Product are returned and everything works fine, but is quite slow - that is expected, because of some high number of objects to download.

I forget to mention in earlier post, that changing query to:

select new InspirationsPerSupplierResult(,

"fixes" this problem. Only id from both entities cause this exception.

Can I somehow check the type of objects - embedded/entity?


The embedded / entity is merely a guess. A test case will be needed to figure out the exact reason.

ObjectDB Support

Please check ftp for test case and database file - UTC-5.


Thank you for the test. Please try build 2.2.8_01.

ObjectDB Support

New version works fine. Thanks for a fix.
