enhanced object .. NOT enhanced



I think I have found a bug : 

- I have enhanced a class but when I tried to persitst it I got an error that this class has not been ehanced

(what is important, this class has _odbTracker field added)

So, instead of DB write a standard serialization mechanizm is triggered.

Finnally we get an OutOfMemory expeption.



> I have enhanced a class but when I tried to persitst it I got an error that this class has not been ehanced

Please provide full error message (and stack trace if available).

> So, instead of DB write a standard serialization mechanizm is triggered.

Using serialization is not the result of no enhancement but of a missing @Entity / @PersistenceCapable annotation (or alternative XML, e.g package.jdo in the classpath).

> Finnally we get an OutOfMemory expeption.

It would be impossible to provide support without more details. Please read the posting instructions.

ObjectDB Support
