During development, I have used the enhancer API in a static block in the code that creates the EntityManagerFactory, ie.
com.objectdb.Enhancer.enhance("com.fastmodel.fastplan.entities.*"); com.objectdb.Enhancer.enhance("com.fastmodel.fastplan.entities.comm.*"); com.objectdb.Enhancer.enhance("com.fastmodel.fastplan.entities.drills.*"); // .. more lines for each package // connect to ObjectDB database emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(...);
This has worked fine, and always enhances all of my classes.
I am now getting ready for production deployment and I am trying to integrate the Enhancer into my build process. I get many messages similar to:
[ObjectDB 2.2.9_06] Invalid class file format for type 'com.fastmodel.fastplan.entities.UserSettings' (error 422)
I am using the same objectdb.jar and the same JDK (win x64, 1.6.0_26).
What could this mean?