I have a question about package name and searching for entities. As for now we were using two different databases for two different parts of our system. But we want to make a 'common' model for both systems. After merging entities from two different projects, we get single jar with all entities. Unfortunately some of the names are the same for entities:
- homplex.model.dbobject.Inspiration
- pl.hplxtool.model.Inspiration
The same for some other classes. Now the problem is that even if I specify full name with package in persistence.xml and set "exclude-unlisted-classes" for true, ODB is looking for first occurrence of 'Inspiration' class in database. In my case this is homplex.model.dbobject.Inspiration which is from another application and there is no objects stored using this class.
So my question is - is it possible to match entity name using full canonical name instead of only entity / class name? Or maybe it's a bug? Or maybe there is a way to set something like 'default-package-for-entities' in persistence.xml so I can set where ODB should look first for entity classes?