I am having trouble with the Explorer. I can open the db just fine. I can open a few simple extents and view/navigate fine also. The problem occurs when I view the more complex extents. The Explorer will not repaint the right pane. I drag off screen to force repaint and get(right pane):
(column3)= "com.***.businessObjects.*myClass*.__odbSetTracker(Lcom/objectdb/spi/Tracker;)V"
-My application can view the classes, but I am chasing an error on persist.(that might be another issue though)
-Objectdb v2.4.0_03
-db was converted from 1.04 then fixed by the Doctor with no errors.
-I have debug on, here is a sample of the console:
[2012-06-07 11:08:06 #47186 query.manager]
<validCachedQueryResponse isUnique="true" fetchSize="0">
<SimpleResultBuilder name="COUNT(this)" type="long" />
[2012-06-07 11:08:06 #47187 query.manager]
<queryRequest query="SELECT COUNT(this) FROM com.***.busi
nessObjects.***" args="null" transactionId="-1" />
[2012-06-07 11:08:06 #47187 query.manager]
<queryRequest query="SELECT COUNT(this) FROM com.***.busi
nessObjects.***" args="null" transactionId="-1" />
[2012-06-07 11:08:06 #47188 query.manager]
<validCachedQueryResponse isUnique="true" fetchSize="0">
<SimpleResultBuilder name="COUNT(this)" type="long" />
[2012-06-07 11:08:06 #47188 query.manager]
<validCachedQueryResponse isUnique="true" fetchSize="0">
<SimpleResultBuilder name="COUNT(this)" type="long" />
Let me know if you need more info