Database is locked when in use


I am oberving that when i reading anything from odbfiles, i am not allowed to copy and paste the odb files in the file system but the same i was able to do it in object db 1.0.

We supprt export functionality and if i am not allowed to copy it in objectdb 2.x, then its a problem for us :-(

Do you have any settings or other way to handle this?


Using copy & paste to clone a database when it is in active use is unsafe.

With ObjectDB 2.x you should use online backup for this purpose.

ObjectDB Support

Thanks for the reply.

I went through the online backup web page, it is mentioned for EntityManager. How do i achieve the same for PersistenceManager as I am using the JDO not JPA, and can you also please tell if i dont want the timestamp directory to be created, what extra needs to be done.


You should be able to cast PersistenceManager to EntityManager.

In ObjectDB the same object is an instance of both interfaces.

ObjectDB Support

Thanks. How should i get rid of Timestamp directory ? I am going to use the follwoing code

    query.setParameter("target", new"c:\\backup"));

And i want all the odb files to be placed in "backup" directory not backup/[timestamp] directory.


There is an undocumented parameter that you may try:

    query.setParameter("name", "your-dir-name");


ObjectDB Support

Just to confirm for the usage of query.setParameter("name", "your-dir-name");

Is the second agruement a string <Dir Absolute path> or new File (diectory path);



It should be a string, but since it is undocumented feature it might work only in a limited way (e.g. maybe only in embedded mode or only in client-server mode, etc.)

ObjectDB Support

Unfortunately, query.setParameter("name", "your-dir-name"); is not working for me :-(

Now, i am using query.setParameter("target", new"c:\\backup")); which works so far.


OK. This is preferred anyway, since it is a documented parameter.

ObjectDB Support
