Activated ObjectDB still throws "Too many persistable types"


I have upgraded from 2.3.7 to 2.4.4 and now my activation won't work, throwing the dreaded

com.objectdb.o.UserException: Too many persistable types (>10) - exceeds evaluation limit

I have already reactivated and checked that my objectdb.conf is correctly used (by inserting random chars at the beginning of the file, which lead to an error). Yet I still get the error thrown.

Nothing in my configuration changed except the version. What could possibly be the problem with that?

Is there any way to find out whether a started ObjectDB server is activated, without having to resort to an actual application, because that takes some time for me to test.


> What could possibly be the problem with that?

There was a problem in versions until 2.3.7, causing incomplete license checks. Upgrading to 2.4.4 could cause problems only if the activation is not set correctly before.

Make sure that activation code is set in the server configuration file (not on the client side).

Since you have a site license, you may try running activation again, to see that the code is correct for that machine.

> Is there any way to find out whether a started ObjectDB server is activated, without having to resort to an actual application, because that takes some time for me to test.

Currently not, but this is a good idea. Will it help if it is shown on the server tray icon? In the log file?

ObjectDB Support

> Make sure that activation code is set in the server configuration file (not on the client side).

I have, it is running on the server, using the standard settings (plus the activation code). As I outlined, the correct configuration file is used.

> Since you have a site license, you may try running activation again, to see that the code is correct for that machine.

I did that, too, and I keep getting the same activation code.

I tried it out with 2.4.4_02 and 2.4.4_05 and I get the same error. It's still not activated.

> Will it help if it is shown on the server tray icon? In the log file?

For me, I am on a headless server, so in the log file would be good. For most people, the tray icon is probably the right location.


> I did that, too, and I keep getting the same activation code.

Are you running the Activator on the same machine that the Server is running on? Using the same JVM?

ObjectDB Support

> Are you running the Activator on the same machine that the Server is running on? Using the same JVM?

Yes and yes. This is an Ubuntu 10.0.4 LTS and only one JVM is installed.

The machine is a VM with a network card with MAC 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00. Is that a problem?


Maybe. You have activated 2 servers - ubuntu and usve6844?

Could you please check both with 2.4.4 and tell which works and which doesn't?

ObjectDB Support

Assuming that the 0 MAC address is the problem, could you try setting it to a real value?

ObjectDB Support

ubuntu works, usve6844 doesn't.

ubuntu is an Ubuntu 12.0.4 VM with non-null MAC address.

usve6844 is the problematic Ubuntu 10.0.4 VM with zero'ed MAC address.

Apart from the obvious differences in the system (10.0.4 vs. 12.0.4), the MAC address is the only significant difference I can see. If there is any other information that you need or something that I can try, let me know!


So it may be the zero MAC address. Could you check if setting a non zero value is possible?

ObjectDB Support

Unfortunately, it is a rented VM and I cannot change the MAC address. Could you check back with your tech staff?


Please try build 2.4.4_06 that may solve the problem (use it first for a new activation and then for running the server).

ObjectDB Support

That works great. Thanks for taking care of this so quickly!


You are welcome. Thank you for this report.

ObjectDB Support
