Issue #12: JPQL Update & Delete (JPA 1.0)

Type: Feature RequestPriority: HighStatus: FixedReplies: 3

JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language) supports updating and deleting database objects by queries.

Currently ObjectDB supports only JPQL SELECT (retrieval) queries.
Delete queries are supported for JDOQL (JDO Query Language).

ObjectDB Support

spring-data-jpa uses delete queries to implement repository.deleteAll()

public static final String DELETE_ALL_QUERY_STRING = "delete from %s x";



Interesting point.

At least the implementation of delete queries should be easy since ObjectDB already supports delete queries in JDO. Hopefully this could be added in one of the next builds.

ObjectDB Support

Implementation of both DELETE and UPDATE queries was added in build 2.2.3_03.

ObjectDB Support
