in our application we use ObjectDB in embedded mode as part of the Profile that can be stored and opened by our customers. Our application is an eclipse RCP application with a domain-driven design. The product can be installed in different configurations (in other words with more or less PlugIns).
This presents us with further challenges when we have made changes to DB schema for new versions.
Our solution is that we create a seperate product (we call it ProfileMigration) for each new application to handle all database (schema) changes between two versions. That this ProfileMigration works correctly we add ALL entity classes to this product. Because we will prevent a data loss of entites which are not found in the class path.
With this background it would be very helpful for us if we could ignore in the ProfileMigration the classes we had not changed. And we were able to explicitly define the classes, in the schema config (objectdb.config), that should be deleted.
In the future we plan to extends our application via plugins and then we will get problems with our update concept, because it would be a very big effort to recognize data of plugins in the ProfileMigration and to provide for the ProfileMigration application also a plugin which contains the entity classes.
We appreciate the other features of the automatic schema update very much.