Issue #2432: New issues with queries using build 2.7.6_08

Type: Bug ReoprtVersion: 2.7.6_08Priority: NormalStatus: FixedReplies: 3

Unfortunately Build 2.7.6_08 caused exceptions in a lot of system tests of our test suite which still ran successfully with Build 2.7.6_07.

1. For example following query returns 3 verdict objects, but we expected only one verdict object:

Although there is only one record which has an executionConfig with uid = '23A' the query engine ignores this condition and select all records.

SELECT DISTINCT verdict FROM as verdict, as execution, as record, as config
WHERE execution MEMBER OF ?1
AND execution.verdictID = verdict.uid
AND execution.execRecordID = record.uid
AND record.executionConfig = config
AND config.uid = '23A'

2. But the following modified query is successful and returns the expected single verdict object:

SELECT DISTINCT verdict FROM as verdict, as execution, as record, as config
WHERE config.uid = '23A'
AND execution MEMBER OF ?1
AND execution.verdictID = verdict.uid
AND execution.execRecordID = record.uid
AND record.executionConfig = config



Your new report was moved to a new thread, as it seems unrelated to issue #2027 ("remove & persist in same transaction => Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value"). Hopefully build 2.7.6_07 does solve the conflict between that issue and issue #2153, as discussed. You may want to check build 2.7.6_07.

Build 2.7.6_08, however, includes some new changes in query execution, including some optimisations that were found to be essential for some users. Unfortunately according to your report, these changes also introduce a new issue. If you can share a sample database in which this query fails we will be able to investigate it further.

ObjectDB Support

Thank you for your report. Please try version 2.8.0 that should fix this issue.

ObjectDB Support

The version 2.8.0 solves our issue.

Thank you.
