Issue #2438: New issues with queries using build 2.7.8

Type: Bug ReoprtVersion: 2.8.0Priority: CriticalStatus: FixedReplies: 3


we found another query bug:

SELECT a FROM ArtifactImpl a LEFT OUTER JOIN a.tcSignal s  WHERE a.startStep.stepNumber <= 2 AND a.endStep.stepNumber >= 0  AND ( IN ('In1') OR a.tcSignal IS NULL)

With 2.7.6_b6 we get the expected three result objects.

But with 2.8.0 we get only two result objects, the ArtifactImpl is missed whose attribute tcSignal is Null.


Thank you for this report. Build 2.8.0_01 includes a fix.

ObjectDB Support

There is an issue with build 2.8.0_01 (although it does solve this reported bug). A new build will be released soon.

ObjectDB Support

Please check if build 2.8.0_02 solves the issue. Thanks.

ObjectDB Support
