Issue #2817: Enhancement does not show an error message when an outdated license is used

Type: Feature RequestVersion: 2.8.7Priority: NormalStatus: FixedReplies: 3


Accidentally we used an outdated ObjectDB license, if we enhance the entities.
The entities were not enhanced in our jars.

But the message from the enhancement tool com.objectdb.Enhancer shows that all entites are enhanced. Can you throw an error message, if the license is outdated?



Thank you for this report.

Enhancement does not require a valid licence (e.g. you can run enhancement with the free version of ObjectDB with no licence). However, if there is no valid OEM activation then although the classes are still enhanced and usable they are not signed for external OEM distribution. The output of the Enhancer indicates whether it was an OEM enhancement or not (check the word OEM in the output). Following your report we will consider adding a new warning if an expired OEM licence is found. 

In addition you can also check the classes (e.g. in your build process or at runtime). Classes that are OEM enhanced implement the com.objectdb.spi.SignedType marker interface, so you should be able to check that your entity classes are instances of SignedType. See also this thread.

ObjectDB Support

I prefer a warning from the enhancement when the license is outdated.

It is very hard to find the reason why the enhanced entities does not work anymore.


Build 2.8.8_01 (released now) prints a warning to the standard error when an expired activation is found in the configuration file.  Thank you again for this report.

ObjectDB Support
