Here are the results of my run (new test, no enhancement):
2011-06-17 17:46:28,093 Producer p1 putting point 0
2011-06-17 17:46:28,125 Producer p5 putting point 0
2011-06-17 17:46:28,125 Producer p4 putting point 0
2011-06-17 17:46:28,125 Producer p3 putting point 0
2011-06-17 17:46:28,093 Producer p2 putting point 0
2011-06-17 17:46:30,343 No point
2011-06-17 17:46:30,687 Producer p4 putting point 1
2011-06-17 17:46:30,765 Producer p1 putting point 1
2011-06-17 17:46:30,875 Producer p5 putting point 1
2011-06-17 17:46:30,953 Producer p2 putting point 1
2011-06-17 17:46:31,046 Producer p3 putting point 1
2011-06-17 17:46:31,609 Consumer c1 taking point 0 - 04f73cd4-e069-444e-af80-a1a0382270fb - (0, 1)
2011-06-17 17:46:31,812 Consumer c5 taking point 0 - 06df102a-28f3-48ce-b664-51a5de9394f1 - (0, 1)
2011-06-17 17:46:31,875 Consumer c2 taking point 0 - 286142a7-1f17-467f-a196-14f2a98614cc - (0, 1)
2011-06-17 17:46:31,906 No point
2011-06-17 17:46:31,968 Consumer c4 taking point 0 - a57173da-7d5e-485a-b299-f7156f76e3f6 - (0, 1)
2011-06-17 17:46:31,984 Producer p3 putting point 2
2011-06-17 17:46:32,125 Producer p3 putting point 3
2011-06-17 17:46:32,187 Producer p2 putting point 2
2011-06-17 17:46:32,218 Consumer c1 taking point 1 - b919ae43-c9a8-4f3b-ae9b-3ba5b12e390d - (0, 1)
2011-06-17 17:46:32,296 Producer p5 putting point 2
2011-06-17 17:46:32,359 Producer p5 putting point 3
2011-06-17 17:46:32,500 Producer p1 putting point 2
2011-06-17 17:46:32,843 Producer p4 putting point 2
2011-06-17 17:46:32,906 Producer p1 putting point 3
2011-06-17 17:46:32,968 Producer p5 putting point 4
2011-06-17 17:46:33,187 Consumer c1 taking point 2 - 310b364b-7619-4ede-a367-facf94fb18ef - (1, 2)
2011-06-17 17:46:33,234 Producer p2 putting point 3
2011-06-17 17:46:33,281 Consumer c2 taking point 1 - 473832e7-f6d5-4391-aba6-5dd04e9af6c6 - (1, 2)
2011-06-17 17:46:33,359 Producer p3 putting point 4
2011-06-17 17:46:33,531 Consumer c4 taking point 1 - 9575bb87-a767-43b2-b82e-75cf61b17d7c - (1, 2)
2011-06-17 17:46:33,656 Consumer c5 taking point 1 - 38ef12ff-5d49-4de5-b423-8e4e7e8f0b4b - (1, 2)
2011-06-17 17:46:33,703 Producer p3 putting point 5
2011-06-17 17:46:33,703 Consumer c4 taking point 2 - e0d1807f-f3ac-4318-889d-5310df7699c0 - (1, 2)
2011-06-17 17:46:33,906 Consumer c1 taking point 3 - ddc39f04-1d23-42f4-93ae-169b146b46e1 - (2, 3)
2011-06-17 17:46:33,921 Producer p2 putting point 4
2011-06-17 17:46:33,953 Consumer c2 taking point 2 - 91dbfb17-8d2b-4f8b-8013-6d8aa42e363b - (3, 4)
2011-06-17 17:46:33,984 Producer p5 putting point 5
2011-06-17 17:46:34,031 Producer p1 putting point 4
2011-06-17 17:46:34,140 Consumer c3 taking point 0 - 79e2a270-24ec-40d7-8da2-dc02dbc363e5 - (2, 3)
2011-06-17 17:46:34,140 Producer p4 putting point 3
2011-06-17 17:46:34,187 Producer p1 putting point 5
2011-06-17 17:46:34,281 Consumer c2 taking point 3 - 3e60e5ff-8e09-4fc2-903c-bab54d322a1f - (2, 3)
2011-06-17 17:46:34,343 Producer p5 putting point 6
2011-06-17 17:46:34,359 Consumer c1 taking point 4 - b47b46c5-f364-4128-b536-2d1e794cd0a2 - (3, 4)
2011-06-17 17:46:34,437 Producer p2 putting point 5
2011-06-17 17:46:34,578 Consumer c4 taking point 3 - 4f4139c1-5861-4185-96e4-35b7ea3d2a5f - (2, 3)
2011-06-17 17:46:34,625 Producer p3 putting point 6
2011-06-17 17:46:34,656 Consumer c5 taking point 2 - 2bd521ac-9a34-41ee-8463-d10626c92446 - (2, 3)
2011-06-17 17:46:34,703 Producer p2 putting point 6
2011-06-17 17:46:34,812 Producer p5 putting point 7
2011-06-17 17:46:34,828 Consumer c1 taking point 5 - 323ac262-3227-453e-821e-d10762c471fd - (3, 4)
2011-06-17 17:46:34,953 Producer p1 putting point 6
2011-06-17 17:46:34,953 Consumer c2 taking point 4 - 348921d7-5182-498d-81a1-741afdfc4182 - (4, 5)
2011-06-17 17:52:24,046 Consumer c1 taking point 467 - b440ad13-068c-4af6-8236-f2cee760f4d4 - (515, 516)
2011-06-17 17:52:24,046 Producer p1 putting point 521
2011-06-17 17:52:24,156 Producer p5 putting point 519
2011-06-17 17:52:24,156 Consumer c4 taking point 384 - 87accd6f-53c6-41b3-8088-eb8c4bf6c047 - (515, 516)
2011-06-17 17:52:24,281 Producer p2 putting point 519
2011-06-17 17:52:24,281 Consumer c3 taking point 379 - 11344235-66b9-4c80-b6ca-e6b947cb1bd8 - (262, 263)
2011-06-17 17:52:24,437 Producer p3 putting point 264
2011-06-17 17:52:24,453 Consumer c5 taking point 447 - 22b4261b-b6b5-4f8f-9fcb-b055726fa1f0 - (516, 517)
2011-06-17 17:52:24,593 Producer p2 putting point 520
2011-06-17 17:52:24,593 Consumer c3 taking point 380 - ae7bd389-89bf-407d-a38e-f90bff2aa452 - (516, 517)
2011-06-17 17:52:24,703 Consumer c4 taking point 385 - 6cb865a7-0ecc-484e-99c0-35f20ec4775e - (518, 519)
2011-06-17 17:52:24,703 Producer p5 putting point 520
2011-06-17 17:52:24,812 Consumer c1 taking point 468 - 058cdf67-5937-429a-932a-00f11891bf27 - (258, 259)
2011-06-17 17:52:24,812 Producer p1 putting point 522
2011-06-17 17:52:24,968 Consumer c2 taking point 391 - e640694d-f5c8-4880-8866-fb9151ef3521 - (519, 520)
2011-06-17 17:52:24,968 Producer p4 putting point 260
2011-06-17 17:52:25,078 Producer p1 putting point 523
2011-06-17 17:52:25,078 Consumer c1 taking point 469 - aedb092f-cb2a-48b6-86d3-1e8f6629579c - (517, 518)
2011-06-17 17:52:25,203 Producer p5 putting point 521
2011-06-17 17:52:25,203 Consumer c4 taking point 386 - 2dfb8bfc-e869-4df6-8404-c56ee8a5eba3 - (517, 518)
2011-06-17 17:52:25,312 Producer p2 putting point 521
2011-06-17 17:52:25,312 Consumer c3 taking point 381 - 2fc565bd-70fa-4d79-b9e2-35570300265b - (263, 264)
2011-06-17 17:52:25,468 Producer p3 putting point 265
2011-06-17 17:52:25,468 Consumer c5 taking point 448 - 566c7aee-5baa-497c-8faa-1e43d59d1c7e - (518, 519)
2011-06-17 17:52:25,609 Producer p2 putting point 522
2011-06-17 17:52:25,609 Consumer c3 taking point 382 - c23b0ae1-f4a2-4a35-bed2-0e5005d25c31 - (518, 519)
2011-06-17 17:52:25,734 Producer p5 putting point 522
2011-06-17 17:52:25,734 Consumer c4 taking point 387 - 3a87c849-680a-4388-b740-e06f0ee968ad - (520, 521)
2011-06-17 17:52:25,859 Producer p1 putting point 524
2011-06-17 17:52:25,859 Consumer c1 taking point 470 - 7cac4531-ef4c-428d-9374-0901c2352dc2 - (259, 260)
2011-06-17 17:52:25,968 Consumer c2 taking point 392 - d2086471-0aa9-45bb-8dee-6cad2821ca6e - (521, 522)
2011-06-17 17:52:25,968 Producer p4 putting point 261
2011-06-17 17:52:26,187 Producer p1 putting point 525
2011-06-17 17:52:26,187 Consumer c1 taking point 471 - eafd9e1e-f83d-429d-98d7-145827060040 - (519, 520)
2011-06-17 17:52:26,312 Producer p5 putting point 523
2011-06-17 17:52:26,312 Consumer c4 taking point 388 - 60760479-3dc7-4bb6-a1c0-84a46f8c797e - (519, 520)
2011-06-17 17:52:26,453 Consumer c3 taking point 383 - 31c54b61-13df-4e70-88f3-c3250ee6db3e - (264, 265)
2011-06-17 17:52:26,468 Producer p2 putting point 523
2011-06-17 17:52:26,609 Consumer c5 taking point 449 - 1cc868ca-877f-486d-abed-4a7a49c6484f - (520, 521)
2011-06-17 17:52:26,609 Producer p3 putting point 266
2011-06-17 17:52:26,718 Producer p2 putting point 524
2011-06-17 17:52:26,718 Consumer c3 taking point 384 - 1e03de90-b2e2-4377-9664-66eb4235c954 - (520, 521)
2011-06-17 17:52:26,843 Producer p5 putting point 524
2011-06-17 17:52:26,843 Consumer c4 taking point 389 - 3bb2298b-de20-4e01-b576-1150986bda5e - (522, 523)
2011-06-17 17:52:26,953 Consumer c1 taking point 472 - 7653c3bd-63d9-447e-9d04-39a5aee5487a - (260, 261)
2011-06-17 17:52:26,953 Producer p1 putting point 526
If you have more details please post them. This session helped fixing some important issues in ObjectDB, and apparently you are facing now another issue that may needs a fix on the ObjectDB side. Thanks you for all these reports.