Automatic Switch to Replicated Server Limitations | Feature Request | Normal | Active | 2013‑05‑29 |
Enhanced classes problem | Bug Reoprt | High | Fixed | 2013‑05‑24 |
JQL-Update Queries fails with activated L2-Cache | Bug Reoprt | Critical | Closed | 2013‑05‑07 |
No Entity Class API | Feature Request | Normal | Active | 2013‑05‑06 |
ObjectDb Doctor : Failed to locate set method for field property com.test.Video$VideoId.sourceId using reflection (error 316) | Bug Reoprt | Normal | Active | 2013‑05‑03 |
Can't open DB-file with explorer, but from within my code it works | Bug Reoprt | Normal | Active | 2013‑04‑12 |
auto-generated uuid fields | Feature Request | Normal | Active | 2013‑04‑11 |
ObjectDB 2 JDO Manual | Documentation | Normal | Active | 2013‑03‑19 |
JDO PersistenceManager.getSequence() returns null sometimes | Bug Reoprt | Normal | Fixed | 2013‑03‑19 |
Can't open replicated database | Bug Reoprt | Normal | Active | 2013‑03‑08 |