ObjectDB ObjectDB

ObjectDB Issue Tracking

261-270 of 419 threads (2,132 posts)Refresh
auto-generated uuid fieldsFeature RequestNormalActive2013-04-11
ObjectDB 2 JDO ManualDocumentationNormalActive2013-03-19
JDO PersistenceManager.getSequence() returns null sometimesBug ReoprtNormalFixed2013-03-19
Can't open replicated databaseBug ReoprtNormalActive2013-03-08
NullPointerException on initial database creationBug ReoprtNormalActive2013-02-18
Compare two schemas or odb filesFeature RequestNormalActive2013-02-13
Named Query ExceptionBug ReoprtNormalFixed2013-02-09
JPQL support for Maps (JPA 2.0)Feature RequestNormalActive2013-02-08
Read only hint for queryFeature RequestNormalActive2013-01-21
@FetchGroup in JPA similar to JDOFeature RequestNormalActive2013-01-21

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