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Embedding Managed Entities in Embedded Objects = bad idea

Discovered that you can't embed entities in embeddable objects if the entity is managed. Haven't tried embedding un-managed entities in embeddable objects, though I imagine that's not a great idea. The the error message isn't all that obvious (attempting to persist object which already has an id

Merge with Parent/Child entities not possible

javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence ... ; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; public class ObjectDbMergeTest { @Entity ... = id;   } } @Entity public static class ChildEntity {   @Id   @GeneratedValue   private

How to check if an entity exists in a Database without loading it?

Hi, I am trying to speed up some code - where i check if an entity exists in order to make a decision. In Java - It looks like this (pk - is the primary key of the entity): MyClass find = em.find ... without loading the entity? Thanks EKK Emmanuel Keskes You can use a query: SELECT e.pk FROM MyClass e

Cascading (persist) with a mix of enhanced and not enhanced entities

We find out that it is actual not possible to use enhanced and not enhanced entities together. Exist any limitations regarding the use of enhanced and non-enhanced entities? We work based feature ... the entities during development is, because of our build environment, very time-consuming

Entity has be persistended,but query not fetched?

I create a new entity T newT and persistend it,then I create a query "select t from T t" to fetch all T entities.But then the newT is not contain in the query result. Why? code order: query ... ().rollback();         em.close();         emf.close();     }         @Entity     static final class

Entity factory

Hi, is it possible to create Entities with a custom factory? I want to create Entity instances via dependency injection like: @Entiy public class User { private final UserService userService ... injection method: I store the current Context in a ThreadLocal and access it inside the new Entity to inject the dependencies. doppelrittberger Markus Ritter

Removing an entity throws exception

to remove customer entity, when it's read by a query (it's attached), it throws this exception ... more After this exception is the entity detached (why?). When I merge it, I can remove it without problems... The Customer class code: @Entity public class Customer implements Serializable { private static

Allow removal of entity class from ObjectDB & Explorer

Hi. It would be very useful to be able to delete an entire entity class from ObjectDB ... , thus they're limited to 10 entities / db. During the life time of a software, many changes appear to its data structure. When an entity class becomes unnecessary, we should be able to remove

Entity field renaming does not work

Hello, we use the ObjectDB version 2.8.5_05. We want to rename a field in an entity and it does not work: from: package com.btc.ep.analysis.verdict.tolerance.bl.internal.dmos; @Entity @Access ... > </package> </schema> We have also class and package renaming for other entities and it works

Problem using "and" for joined entities and indexed fields

list. public class IndexTest {     @Entity     @Indices({         @Index(members = {"children ... if you query the children directly (if they are defined as entity objects), not through the parents ... that you may also consider is to switch the children from embedded objects to entity objects and then using single field

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ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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