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class="type">PersistenceManager PersistenceManager is the primary interface for JDO-aware application components ... >A PersistenceManager is obtained from the


="/api/java/jdo/PersistenceManager" title="Interface in javax.jdo">PersistenceManager void PersistenceManager/addInstanceLifecycleListener_InstanceLifecycleListener_Class_" title="Method of javax.jdo.PersistenceManager

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

of database connections. Its main role is to provide PersistenceManager instances. The PersistenceManager interface represents a database connection. Every operation on a database requires a PersistenceManager instance. The Transaction interface


PersistenceManager" title="Interface in javax.jdo">javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerObject getObjectId(  Object pcPersistenceManager that created the identity, and only for two types of JDO Identity: those that are managed


PersistenceManager" title="Interface in javax.jdo">javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerT[] detachCopyAll(  T... pcs)PersistenceManager . The flags for detachment (DETACH_LOAD_FIELDS and DETACH_UNLOAD_FIELDS

getObjectById(oid, validate)

PersistenceManager" title="Interface in javax.jdo">javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerObject getObjectById(  Object oid ... >PersistenceManager . The getObjectById method attempts to find an instance in

getFetchGroup(cls, name)

PersistenceManager" title="Interface in javax.jdo">javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerPersistenceManager scope, return it. If not, create and populate a new


PersistenceManager" title="Interface in javax.jdo">javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerObject getUserObject() The application can manage the PersistenceManager instances


>PersistenceManager" title="Interface in javax.jdo">javax.jdo.PersistenceManagervoid close() Close this PersistenceManager so that no further requests


PersistenceManager" title="Interface in javax.jdo">javax.jdo.PersistenceManagervoid close() Close this PersistenceManager so that no further requests