ObjectDB ObjectDB

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ODB IndexActivation NullPointerException

) * Batch ended at 88 I've read that: "Indexing large amount of data may take considerable processing time ... please check if the connection time to the database affects. If the database is closed before building the index is completed then the work is discarded and another attempt is done next time. So maybe


: Serializable Thrown by the persistence provider when a query times out and only the statement


at transaction commit. The provider may flush at other times, but is not required to. Since: JPA 1.0


) protected java.util.Date endDate; Since: JPA 1.0 Learn how to define and use date and time


transformer that the container invokes at class-(re)definition time Since: JPA 1.0


-(re)definition time Since: JPA 1.0 boolean excludeUnlistedClasses() Returns whether classes in


. This exception may be thrown as part of an API call, a flush or at commit time. The current

Query fails with failed to read

2-3 times per day we have a query that fails with: Failed to read from file 'F:\Hummingbird ... . Are you using online backup when the exception is thrown? Any other special activity at that time ... your application). support Support we have it now 5-10 times per day. There is not any backup activity


Method javax.jdo.Transaction void setOptimistic( boolean optimistic ) Optimistic transactions do not hold data store locks until commit time. If an implementation does not support this option, a JDOUnsupportedOptionException is thrown. Parameters: optimistic - the value of the Optimistic flag. Since: JDO 1.0


is configurable (before the first time getPersistenceManager is called). Parameters: listener - the listener instance to be removed Since: JDO 2.0

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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