Internal Website Search
21-30 of 200 resultsRefreshIndex Definition. The following entity definition uses JDO’s annotations/Index">@Index and annotations/Unique">@Unique annotations to define indexes: import javax.jdo.annotations.Index; import javax.jdo.annotations.Unique | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Value javax.jdo.annotationsAnnotation Value Target: Fields (including property get methods) Annotation for the value of a map | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Key javax.jdo.annotationsAnnotation Key Target: Fields (including property get methods) Annotation for the key of a map | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Join javax.jdo.annotationsAnnotation Join Target: Classes and fields (including property get methods) Annotation | |
javax.jdo.annotations.PersistenceCapable javax.jdo.annotationsAnnotation PersistenceCapable Target: Classes Annotation for whether the class or interface | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Column javax.jdo.annotationsAnnotation Column Target: Fields (including property get methods) Annotation for a column in | |
javax.jdo.annotations.ForeignKey javax.jdo.annotationsAnnotation ForeignKey Target: Classes and fields (including property get methods) Annotation | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Query javax.jdo.annotationsAnnotation Query Target: Classes Annotation for a named query. Corresponds to the xml element | |
javax.jdo.annotations.Version javax.jdo.annotationsAnnotation Version Target: Classes Annotation for the versioning of the class. Corresponds | |
javax.jdo.annotations.DatastoreIdentity javax.jdo.annotationsAnnotation DatastoreIdentity Target: Classes Annotation for the datastore identity of the class |