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- expressions to be tested against Returns: predicate testing for membership Since: JPA 2.0 boolean ... is a compound selection. Returns: boolean indicating whether the selection is a compound selection


Method javax.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute boolean isVersion() Is the attribute a version attribute. Returns: boolean indicating whether the attribute is a version attribute Since: JPA 2.0


Method javax.persistence.EntityManager boolean contains( Object entity ) Check if the instance is a managed entity instance belonging to the current persistence context. Parameters: entity - entity instance Returns: boolean indicating if entity is in persistence context Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if not an entity Since: JPA 1.0


Method javax.persistence.criteria.Subquery Subquery<T> distinct( boolean distinct ) Specify whether duplicate query results will be eliminated. A true value will cause duplicates to be eliminated ... method. Parameters: distinct - boolean value specifying whether duplicate results must be eliminated


Method javax.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery boolean isDistinct() Return whether duplicate query results must be eliminated or retained. Returns: boolean indicating whether duplicate query results must be eliminated Since: JPA 2.0


Method javax.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery AbstractQuery<T> distinct( boolean distinct ) Specify whether duplicate query results will be eliminated. A true value will cause duplicates ... , duplicate results must be retained. Parameters: distinct - boolean value specifying whether duplicate

getObjectsById(validate, oids)

Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager Object[] getObjectsById( boolean validate, Object... oids ) Return the objects with the given oids. Parameters: validate - if true, the existance of the objects in ... that were looked up, in the same order as the oids parameter. Since: JDO 2.1 See Also: getObjectById(Object,boolean)


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager Object[] getObjectsById( Object... oids ) Return the objects with the given oids. This method is equivalent to calling getObjectsById(boolean,Object ... that were looked up, in the same order as the oids parameter. Since: JDO 2.0 See Also: getObjectsById(boolean,Object...)


ordering between the objects Since: JDO 2.2 boolean equals(Object obj) Determine if the other object ... boolean equals(Object obj) Check the class and class name and object type. Check the class and class


the objects Since: JDO 2.2 boolean equals(Object obj) Determine if the other object represents ... - the other object Returns: true if both objects represent the same object id Since: JDO 1.0 boolean equals

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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